Addiction Counseling | Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors

Receive Addiction Counseling Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors

First let me define addiction:

Addiction is an unhealthy relationship with a substance or event.

It may be alcohol, drugs, porn, Facebook, gambling, eating, exercise or a myriad of other things that can fall into this definition. You use them to cope, feel better, meet a need, and you can develop obsessive and compulsive behaviors.

Addiction begins at a very basic level with you seeking to change your mood. Some people may abuse substances or events during painful seasons, and then turn back to healthier ways of meeting needs. However, if a pattern is formed you are susceptible to developing an addictive relationship with a substance or event.

No matter what type of addiction, abuse progresses with an unhealthy relationship to the substance or event, creating faulty thought patterns, core beliefs, and life skills. The abuser then becomes dependent and believes their needs are being met by the substance.

You and I have ten needs that we seek to meet. However, life experiences have taken their toll and you have fallen short of fully receiving these needs. You do what you feel you have to do to meet your needs. You react to your environment and produce thought patterns, core beliefs, life, and relationship skills, to maneuver your way through life. If these are defined by unhealthy ways of meeting your needs you are going to have negative consequences.

The very nature of addiction forms a bond with a substance or event and it becomes your primary relationship. You go to the unhealthy relationship with the substance or event which replaces healthy bonds in human relationships. It affects your self-image and every area of your life, and relationships. You begin to protect your addiction system to cope, find fulfillment, meet your needs, and isolate from anyone who has the potential to expose what they see.

To receive help from addictions you need other people in order to be accountable and receive support. Then you can succeed in understanding and overcoming this addictive system. To believe you can do it all on your own is a protection device to remain in your patterns.

Professional counselors, programs, and support groups are designed to help you learn and break free of the patterns. It is in forming these relationships, learning new ways of thinking, and meeting needs, that the isolation is broken and you can begin to develop meaningful relationships that can replace the relationship with the substance or event.


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Please give us a call if you have any questions or comments about our counseling services, or if you are ready to begin your recovery. You can also contact us by email.

Also, receive addiction counseling and Codependency Counseling from our Certified specialist Dr. Michele. Change your life today and receive online free resources.
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– Dr. Michele

“Empowering Solutions For A More Fulfilling Life!”

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